Tip (PC) — Improving Graphics on Automobilista & Game Stock Car titles

Both Automobilista (and Mother title Game Stock Car/GSC Extreme) don’t feature the most up-to-date graphics engines, but there is a tweak for NVIDIA GPU owners, which can hugely improve Texture filtering and Anti-aliasing within the title(s). Please note this tip is now legacy and needs reviewing; recent updates to Automobilista includes revised Graphics handling.

Feel free to share your own settings – I need to look into whether AMD GPU owners have an equivalent hack.

1 – Open the NVIDIA Control Panel


2 – Click Manage 3D Settings











3 – Click Add and locate the title you wish to tweak


4 – Change the settings to your preference, or match those shown below-
















Tip (PC) — Using the JoyToKey application

Juggling a number of controllers on the PC can become a headache, and with some titles and operating systems recognising keyboard presses – but not controller presses – things can get fiddly quite quickly.


JoyToKey is shareware, with an optional requirement to purchase a license key for US $7.

Some usage examples ;

  • Launching a Sim title from Windows using a ‘start’ button on your Wheel or Button Box. This requires a little effort with Windows shortcut: assign an obscure ctrl+alt+letter/number within the shortcut properties, then map the same key combo in JoyToKey to the controller button of your choice.
  • Control Windows menus with a directional pad on your Wheel or Button box, and assign the Enter key to a suitable button controller
  • Using JoyToKey you can even map steering wheel axis movements to keyboard commands – for example moving left/right through game options using your wheel. Remember Outrun or Virtua Racing? Then step on the gas pedal to select!



Tip (PC) — Setting Primary Controller ID

If you have multiple controllers – for example  Wheel, Shifter, Button Box, etc. – your controller ID mappings can often change depending on the sequence you plugged in your devices.

This can then confuse some game titles, with Controller ID numbers being ‘swapped’ and you needing to reconfigure all the mappings in the game settings.

The following tip may help :

  1. In Control panel, select the Controller you wish to make the primary controller
  2. Click ADVANCED


Otherwise, try starting/restarting your PC with all controllers plugged in, which should result in the IDs being ordered the same way each time.


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